Motherhood Matters

6 Months of Motherhood

While Niya naps I am listening to my favourite LDS children’s music and contemplating my blessings. 6 months have passed since I gave birth. 6 amazing, blissful and sometimes stressful months. In both the happy and hard times I’ve seen the hand of the Lord holding me up. I love the humbling and sacred journey only mothers know. I am grateful to be a mom.

In the more than 200 days of motherhood, Niya keeps surprising me with her curiousity, warm, happy spirit and eagerness to explore the world. She’s made extraordinary strides:

Turned on her side for the first time at 2 weeks

First social smile at 2.5 months

First attempts to sit up at 11 weeks

Turned from back to belly at 3 months

Doubled her birth weight at 3 months

First audible laugh at 4 months

(Can’t remember what happened at month 5, expect she was definitely more social, Oh — those coos! First attempts to really talk)

Eating foods such as mango, chicken, banana, eggs, plantain porridge, wheat cereal (not just breast milk) at 6 months

Rolled from back to belly, then to her back at 6 months

Crawled at 6.5 months

Said “dada”, what sounded like a mix of “baba” and “mama” at 6.5 months

She is now making attempts to creep using her hands and knees instead of dragging her body around with her hands… Yesterday, when she did this for the first time, I laughed because it looked like she was trying to do pushups 🙂

Every day I look at her and think how blessed I am to have her in my home.

Another amazing thing is how the Lord is helping me magnify my efforts in developing my talents. I resumed freelancing work two months ago and I’m enjoying every bit of it — working with amazing people and looking to do more work in content strategy, web content management, personal branding, content marketing. So (here comes the self-promotion):

Feel free to reach out to me if you or anyone you know would be interested in working with me 🙂

I know the future is bright as we put our focus on those things that matter most. I am looking forward to see how the next 6 months of motherhood will unfold.

I know more doors will open as I strive to be the best wife, mother and daughter of God that I can be.



3 thoughts on “6 Months of Motherhood”

  1. Yes and the time I asked her a question and she said no with the shake of her head. Awesome 😃


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