Nuggets of Inspiration, Uncategorized

A Hopeful Morning

As I type this blog post, the sun is beginning to rise. I can hear insects humming, a neighbour’s hen and the hum of the fan.

Mostly though it is quiet and a remarkably beautiful morning. A few days ago marked 20 months since I became a mother. A week ago marked 13 years since I got baptised. Today marks 2 days since my husband started a new job. It is a time of contemplation and new beginnings for my family.

I realise as I take quiet time to reflect, like time spent this morning talking to you, that the world is a remarkable place. More so than we might naturally think.

If we will truly look, we will find small and sometimes great miracles in our lives. If we will look, we will see moments when a divine hand reordered our steps and placed us in the right direction in the right moment.

We will find opportunities for us to see that we are not alone. Our life is not by accident — even if our parents did not quite plan things out 🙂

Our Heavenly Father is aligning our steps. If we will look and see and feel — find time to think and know — we can escape the sometimes blinding busyness that plagues us.

What if, we spent more time to know ourselves? Just a minute to breathe in the fresh air of mornings?

I feel blessed to have discovered this small yet profound blessing, of quiet time.

7 thoughts on “A Hopeful Morning”

  1. “that the world is a remarkable place. More so than we might naturally think.” – amazing what we can see when we actually look! May happiness tattoo itself into your heart ♥


  2. Greetings Tricia. I’m glad I came across your blog. I enjoyed this post. I grow older, the more I appreciate the sacredness of peace and stillness, especially living in the city where clamour and chaos abound. Like you, listening to the sounds of nature in the morning – the birds, the breeze – soothes my soul. (If only I could hear the lapping of sea waves, too!) The early morning is a beautiful time to sit with God, to hear His voice in the quiet and to meditate on life. If you’re interested, you can watch a sermon by Rev Dr Barbara Brown Taylor called “Sacred Downtime” (on YouTube) which emphasizes the importance of stillness as a holistic practice for the Christian. It was sorta life changing for me, and now I share it as much as I can whenever the opportunity arises. Thank you for sharing such beautiful imagery. (We met at UWI a few years ago through Literatures in English. I don’t recall if we had any undergraduate classes together, but I definitely recall having occasional conversations in the department office. I remember you sharing that you had an interest in writing Jamaican science fiction, for instance. You were always so pleasant and kind towards me and my sister. I think you even met our mother once, across from Beehive, on a day that she visited the campus. I hope you’re well. – Keilah).


    1. Thank you Keilah for commenting. I am trying really hard to remember you but must admit, I am better with faces than names 🙂 Glad to know you have found the peace that often comes in the quiet. Did you pursue a degree in Literatures — if so what year?


      1. Please pardon my tardy reply, Tricia. I plan to add a picture of myself to my blog in the near future, all being well. I graduated with a degree in Literatures in 2013.


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